Restaurant menus and wine lists can be really intimidating, especially when the items listed have foreign names. It's worth it to do a little research to find out what these crazy named things are and how to ask for them without feeling foolish.
There will always be those words that trip you up, but half of the problem is not even knowing you're saying the word wrong because practically everyone else does the same.
Sometimes when the correct pronunciation is used, people will just stare at you blankly because they have no idea what you're talking about. "Pho" and "gyro" are perfect examples.
One of my top pet peeves is the word for those tender little Italian potato dumplings ~ gnocchi. Please for the love of God, stop calling them "nooky" or "no-key!" Think of lasagna. In Italian, the combo of gn = ny. This will help you remember that it's NYO-kee.
I recently watched this video from Foodbeast and wanted to pass it along because I'm sure there's at least one word in this list that you struggle with.
How many of us know how to say poutine? This guy shows us how to say it properly and for some reason, he cracks me up while doing it.
What word always causes you problems? What's your pet peeve?